News and Guides

Our team cover many topics around the gold and silver bullion market, including prices, market updates Atkinsons updates and our advice for buying and selling.
Beginners Guides

Investing in Precious Metals: A Guide for Beginners

There has been a recent rise in the number of new investors attracted to precious metals. But what do you need to know to get started? Read our guide.

5 Minute Read
Beginners Guides

Smart Strategies: What Do Other Atkinsons Clients Buy?

Discover the investment strategies used by successful clients at Atkinsons Bullion & Coins. Learn about the popular 80/20 gold to silver rule, and the ‘little and often’ approach to building a precious metals portfolio.

2 Minute Read

What is Silver Stacking?

Do you have a collection of silver items which you keep safely tucked away? If so, you might be a silver stacker. Find out what that means in this guide.

4 Minute Read

What is a Piedfort Coin?

The term "Piedfort coin" isn't something you're likely to be that familiar with, but you've likely held one before. Read on to discover more.

4 Minute Read

Your Guide to Collecting Coins in the UK

Collecting coins is a long and storied tradition. Read this guide to understand what it means to be a "Numismatist", and how to get your collection started.

5 Minute Read

Who or What is Britannia?

We've all seen her on our coins - but how many of us can say we know who or what Britannia is? Learn who this ancient figure is in our handy blog.

5 Minute Read

Understanding UK Coin Sizes

Coins come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes in the UK. Check out our educational library to understand all the different dimensions for yourself.

10 Minute Read

What Are Milk Spots & How Do They Affect The Value Of Silver Coins?

A concern for bullion investors and mints around the world for many years, milk spots may have an impact on silver coins’ aesthetic appeal, but do they affect the value of your coin? Can they be removed? Read our article to find out.

4 Minute Read

Why Do Silver Coins Tarnish?

Silver is one of the world’s most treasured precious metals, with the first evidence of silver mining dating back to 3000 B.C. This precious and aesthetically pleasing metal is not only used as a store of value, but is also widely used in jewellery, tableware and technology. But for all its uses and beauty, silver can tarnish, sometimes to the frustration of collectors and investors.

4 Minute Read
Beginners Guides

The Gold-To-Silver Ratio Explained

Economic and political uncertainty over the past few years have encouraged many new investors to enter the gold and silver bullion market. For those new to investment, there are a few new phrases and terms that may be unfamiliar, with one of those being the ‘gold-to-silver ratio’.

3 Minute Read