News and Guides

Our team cover many topics around the gold and silver bullion market, including prices, market updates Atkinsons updates and our advice for buying and selling.
Beginners Guides

Investing in Precious Metals: A Guide for Beginners

There has been a recent rise in the number of new investors attracted to precious metals. But what do you need to know to get started? Read our guide.

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Can I Buy and Sell Precious Metals Without Paying Tax?

If you’re thinking about investing in gold or silver, it’s important to understand the tax implications of doing so. Read our guide here.

4 Minute Read
Beginners Guides

Smart Strategies: What Do Other Atkinsons Clients Buy?

Discover the investment strategies used by successful clients at Atkinsons Bullion & Coins. Learn about the popular 80/20 gold to silver rule, and the ‘little and often’ approach to building a precious metals portfolio.

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What is Silver Stacking?

Do you have a collection of silver items which you keep safely tucked away? If so, you might be a silver stacker. Find out what that means in this guide.

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Gold vs Diamonds: Which Is Best For Investment?

There are many reasons as to why people decide to invest in assets such as gold, shares, property and jewellery in order to protect their wealth for the future. Which asset you choose depends on what you are looking to gain from the investment itself, as each offer their own unique benefits and drawbacks. Both a tangible asset of considerable value, in this article we’ll be looking at the pros and cons of investing in gold versus diamonds.

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Is Gold a Safe Investment?

Traded for thousands of years, long before the existence of fiat currency, stocks or bonds, gold bullion is a popular asset, particularly for those looking for a long-term store of wealth, and can present many opportunities for investors. A key question we are often asked is if buying gold is a safe investment.

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Will The Value of My Gold Investment Increase?

If you’re thinking about investing in gold bullion bars or coins, a key question you will most probably ask is whether the value of this asset will increase in the future.

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When Is the Best Time to Sell My Gold?

Whether you decided to invest in gold sovereign coins or maybe even inherited a collection of gold Britannias, working out when is the ideal time to sell your gold can sometimes seem tricky. In this article we will discuss the main factors that will help you decide when the time is right to sell your gold coins and bars.

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How Do I Make a Profit from Buying And Selling Gold?

Making this asset profitable can come through buying gold in the form of coins or bars. Here at Atkinsons Bullion, we have a guide, showing you how to buy not just gold and silver coins, but also gold and silver bars too.

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Is Gold Exempt from Inheritance Tax?

What are the tax implications of investing in gold? And, more specifically, is gold exempt from inheritance tax in the UK?

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